The first recruitment is absolutely crucial. You need to recruit someone who isn't afraid to bust down doors and over time you start to build a strong team.
and sharing among experienced startup founders.
with potential clients, partners and investors in the Czech Republic and abroad.
tailored to each startup.
with experts from various fields.
Acceleration program for fast-growing B2B startups with global ambitions, focusing on helping with business development and expansion abroad.
V tomto dílu jsme se podívali na to, jak přistupovat k hiringu s ohledem na zralost firmy, nastavování procesů a budování týmů. S Matějem Matolínem, zkušeným HR lídrem s 20
V této epizodě jsme si povídali s Tomášem Zárubou, bývalým Chief Product and Technology Officerem v Pilulka, a Vladimírem Staňkem, který má nejen roky zkušeností ze startupů, ale nyní buduje
In this episode of GrowCast, we dive deep into the art of creating the perfect pitch for investors. Our guest shares invaluable insights on fundraising strategies, emphasizing the importance of
Jak jsme na tom v porovnání s ostatními evropskými zeměmi, jak je na tom Evropa v globálním kontextu a co se musí změnit pro to, aby se Česko stalo startupovým
Sales je v Growcastu jedním z klíčových témat. Dnes jsme se podívali hlouběji na téma nastavení sales organizace. Pozvání přijali Šimon Srp (zakladatel Simon Says) a Tomáš Vnuk (Engineering-led Growth
V novém díle Growcastu se podrobně věnujeme tématu technologických talentů. Zkušenosti ze své rozsáhlé praxe s námi nasdíleli Michal Pěchouček (zakladatel Centra umělé inteligence na ČVUT, CTO Gen) a Miroslav
V čem se mentoři z Ment2Grow odlišují od ostatních? 🟢 Poslechněte si povídání naší šéfky Rivy a Martina Máry z programu DoToho! v podcastu Buduj značku o důležitosti vzdělávání podnikatelů
Poslechněte si povídání o tom, jak dnes fungují B2B technologické startupy v ČR. Do podcastu Investories byla pozvána Riva Karo (šéfka akcelerátoru Ment2Grow) a Pavel Přikryl (zakladatel Opero, managing partner
David Suslík a Petr Jaroš
At Ment2Grow, we most value the opportunity to meet new and interesting people from both the startup and business environments. The setting in which the networking takes place is also very pleasant, and the organization of the entire program was at a very high level.
Tadeáš Marek
Thanks to the program, we had access to interesting people, mentors, and workshops that helped us explore and think about our business from different perspectives. It wasn't just about new strategies, but about taking a step back, looking at things differently, and figuring out where we can go next. To anyone leading a startup or thinking about how to grow, I can recommend M2G. It's a great opportunity to get feedback and meet people who are dealing with similar challenges as you.
Lukáš Loun
M2G brought me inspiration from seasoned veterans in the field, whether it was experts from Simon Says, who are partners of the program, the excellent marketer Miloš Formánek, or market insights regarding the DACH region. The network that the well-coordinated duo Riva & Pavel can connect you to is also very valuable.
Jan Kučera
Ment2Grow helped me understand where to direct my energy for successful company scaling and determine what my first steps should be. The discussion of specific issues with the speakers during the workshops was also beneficial. I see great value in having access to the M2G alumni network, which I can utilize in the future to solve problems.
Jiří Nováček
Amazing mentors, useful and very practically oriented workshops, plus great networking opportunities. All of this in the beautiful setting of the Opero space. There's hardly anything to criticize about the Ment2Grow program. We would sign up again in a heartbeat!
Michal Čížek
I like the intention that Ment2Grow has. It's a platform for sharing experiences that brings valuable know-how thanks to the mentors and activities it organises.
Lenka Michalská
My expectations from Ment2Grow were met more than one hundred percent. We are still in contact with the three investors I met at Ment2Grow. We also gained a new business partner at the networking event. The networking gave me the most, I found out what path to take when looking for international contacts.
Vladislav Severa
Ment2Grow has brought us many interesting contacts, either through Pitch Night or from the contact pool. Thanks to the program, I had the opportunity to meet some very interesting people face to face. For example, from companies with tens of thousands of employees around the world and also investors, and it was really beneficial for us.
Vojtěch Dlouhý
The biggest benefit for me has been the regular meetings with my mentor. In these meetings, after just a few weeks we were able to implement a new sales process and also set up a new affiliate sale. The business trip to the UK was great.
Juraj Atlas
The individually arranged meetings during our two-day trip to London helped us open doors to UK customers and partners.
Patrik Babinec
Our mentor helped us adjust our growth strategy and focus on the right segment of potential clients. We are now doubling our size every year.
Gabriela Takáčová
Together with our mentor we managed to successfully set up our CRM and sales processes.
Richard Malovič
Thanks to Ment2Grow I discovered the power of networking.
Veronika vede program Ment2Grow a je zapálená pro inovace, technologie a projekty s dlouhodobým impactem. Zkušenosti sbírala jako projektová manažerka v CzechInvest, kde pomáhala startupům růst a expandovat na mezinárodní trh v rámci programu Akcelerace. Je také provozní ředitelkou organizace Beat Sexism, kde se zaměřuje na strategické řízení, rozvoj organizace a posilování mise bojovat proti sexismu a genderovým nerovnostem skrze multidisciplinární aktivity. Vystudovala mezinárodní vztahy a diplomacii a publikuje také odborné práce na témata s postavením žen v diplomacii spojená.
Co-founder of Opero, Managing Partner of Fazole Ventures and Managing Director of GROWTHGARAGE. Previously led large corporate projects, launched new ventures and startups, as well as, for example, a development program of a humanitarian organization in Afghanistan.
Partner at The Good Board – a company that seeks out and develops leaders who are the driving force of good in your company and in the world. Eva passes on her experience as a mentor in the DoToho!, Equilibrium and Youth Mentor programs. She has over 25 years of global senior leader search experience in various industries including FinTech, software technology, private equity forms, especially in CEE, Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Co-founder and Chief Product & Marketing Officer at LutherOne - a platform for effective collaboration and performance management. With a passion for creating exceptional experiences for customers, users and employees, Lukas specializes in designing and implementing digital and prospect strategies and products that drive success.
She manages the community and partnerships in - an association whose vision is to use the full potential of the Czech Republic and turn Prague into a European centre of artificial intelligence. Lenka informs, connects, advises, organizes, challenges, encourages and generally strives to help individuals and organizations that have a positive impact on the world.
Co-founder and Managing Partner of Czech Founders VC, a fund "from founders for founders", connecting a large part of the startup elite in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Václav has stood at the intersection of technology and innovation throughout his career. He co-founded Kliché Killers in New York, brought Leo Burnett's Farmhouse concept from Chicago to Prague, and has been investing in bold entrepreneurs since 2016. Among other things, he is co-founder of Disraptors Summit, where he searches for the continent's best preseed startups and inspires the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Šimon Srp
Founder and CEO of Simon Says – a company that provides analytical and executive services, primarily in strategic business management for tech companies. By the age of thirty, he had managed 150 companies. Tough on others, brutal on himself, always ready to deliver any feedback in a constructive way.
Jasmína Orlická
Jasmínu fascinuje svět osobního rozvoje a inovací, kterému se v Ment2Grow věnuje jako koordinátorka programu. Expertka na digitální marketing, neuroleadership koučka a studentka MBA organizační psychologie. V Ment2Grow podporuje startupy skrze své multidisciplinární znalosti.
Riva Karo
Riva is fascinated by the dynamic world of startups, which she helps at Ment2Grow with foreign expansion and much more Bývalá programová manažerka M2G a šéfka partnerství v Operu. Vystudovala obor Výživa a potraviny, věnovala se výzkumu střevního mikrobiomu a pracovala mimo jiné i jako event manažerka DoToho! nebo se pohybovala na poli farmaceutických společností.
Vít Horký
Silvia Bušniaková
Přemysl Rubeš
Ondřej Bočkay
Michal Nýdrle
Martin Kolouch
Karel Obluk
Jakub Nešetřil
Bernard Bauer
Acceleration program for fast-growing B2B startups with global ambitions, focusing on helping with business development and expansion abroad.
If you have any inquiries, get in touch with us through the contacts below.
Veronika Šimková
Program Manager Ment2Grow
+420 608 441 777
Opero s.r.o.
Salvátorská 931/8
110 00 | Praha 1