
We help Czech B2B startups grow and expand globally.
Ment2Grow – akcelerátor pro technologické B2B startupy s globální ambicí, se zaměřením na pomoc s byznys developmentem a expanzí do zahraničí. Obchod, talent a finance jsou základní témata, na kterých akcelerátor, kterým prošlo již více než 80 startupů. Sdílení zkušeností se silnou komunitou founders, propojení na potenciální partnery, klienty a investory, špičkoví mentoři, zahraniční cesty a v neposlední řadě mnoho networkingových příležitostí po dobu osmi měsíců.


Wide community

and sharing among experienced startup founders.


with potential clients, partners and investors in the Czech Republic and abroad.


tailored to each startup.


with experts from various fields.


  • 6 years of experience in accelerating startups.
  • A community of more than 80 startup alumni.
  • Unique network of Czech and international speakers and mentors.
  • A strong base of partners.


Be part of a unique community of experienced founders and find answers to your questions in podcasts, workshops or mastermind meetings.

Matthijs Welle

The first recruitment is absolutely crucial. You need to recruit someone who isn't afraid to bust down doors and over time you start to build a strong team. 

Vít Horký

The Czech Republic has a potential to become the startup nation of Central Europe. We have a lot of great technical founders. But the problem is, very often, they don't know how to sell. And that's why I like the Ment2Grow program because it teaches you how to sell and how to expand globally.

Richard Malovič

It is important not to underestimate the matter of training and know-how transfer. Don't think that I will train the first person in two months, then I drop it from my head and go fundraising, for example.

Pavel Doležal

A key move in the expansion was to move to the US. If you don't live in the market to begin with, you can't regularly go to events, conferences, meetups and make solid contacts.

Jakub Hon

Marketing and sales should converge under one head, pull together and have common KPIs.

Přemysl Rubeš

I see Pitchdeck as a resume, it's a ticket to a conversation. It's basically a marketing material – after 35 seconds of reading it should be clear what I do, why I do it and why the investor should be interested in me.


Acceleration program for fast-growing B2B startups with global ambitions, focusing on helping with business development and expansion abroad. 

Many startups have gone through the accelerator during its operation. Among the companies that have benefited from the program are number of promising stars of the emerging Czech digital economy.
Take advantage of content that is designed to help you, founders of tech startups, grow and expand rapidly. Draw on practical advice and experience from founders and experts on the topics that really matter to fast-growing companies. No stories, just practice.

V tomto dílu jsme se podívali na to, jak přistupovat k hiringu s ohledem na zralost firmy, nastavování procesů a budování týmů. S Matějem Matolínem, zkušeným HR lídrem s 20

V této epizodě jsme si povídali s Tomášem Zárubou, bývalým Chief Product and Technology Officerem v Pilulka, a Vladimírem Staňkem, který má nejen roky zkušeností ze startupů, ale nyní buduje


Still hesitant to become part of the Ment2Grow platform? Read what participants have to say about the program.


The program is backed by business hub Opero and a team of experts from various fields.

Veronika vede program Ment2Grow a je zapálená pro inovace, technologie a projekty s dlouhodobým impactem. Zkušenosti sbírala jako projektová manažerka v CzechInvest, kde pomáhala startupům růst a expandovat na mezinárodní trh v rámci programu Akcelerace. Je také provozní ředitelkou organizace Beat Sexism, kde se zaměřuje na strategické řízení, rozvoj organizace a posilování mise bojovat proti sexismu a genderovým nerovnostem skrze multidisciplinární aktivity. Vystudovala mezinárodní vztahy a diplomacii a publikuje také odborné práce na témata s postavením žen v diplomacii spojená.

Co-founder of Opero, Managing Partner of Fazole Ventures and Managing Director of GROWTHGARAGE. Previously led large corporate projects, launched new ventures and startups, as well as, for example, a development program of a humanitarian organization in Afghanistan.

Partner at The Good Board – a company that seeks out and develops leaders who are the driving force of good in your company and in the world. Eva passes on her experience as a mentor in the DoToho!, Equilibrium and Youth Mentor programs. She has over 25 years of global senior leader search experience in various industries including FinTech, software technology, private equity forms, especially in CEE, Middle East, Africa and Asia. 

Co-founder and Chief Product & Marketing Officer at LutherOne - a platform for effective collaboration and performance management. With a passion for creating exceptional experiences for customers, users and employees, Lukas specializes in designing and implementing digital and prospect strategies and products that drive success.

She manages the community and partnerships in - an association whose vision is to use the full potential of the Czech Republic and turn Prague into a European centre of artificial intelligence. Lenka informs, connects, advises, organizes, challenges, encourages and generally strives to help individuals and organizations that have a positive impact on the world.

Co-founder and Managing Partner of Czech Founders VC, a fund "from founders for founders", connecting a large part of the startup elite in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Václav has stood at the intersection of technology and innovation throughout his career. He co-founded Kliché Killers in New York, brought Leo Burnett's Farmhouse concept from Chicago to Prague, and has been investing in bold entrepreneurs since 2016. Among other things, he is co-founder of Disraptors Summit, where he searches for the continent's best preseed startups and inspires the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Šimon Srp

Founder and CEO of Simon Says – a company that provides analytical and executive services, primarily in strategic business management for tech companies. By the age of thirty, he had managed 150 companies. Tough on others, brutal on himself, always ready to deliver any feedback in a constructive way.

Jasmína Orlická

Jasmínu fascinuje svět osobního rozvoje a inovací, kterému se v Ment2Grow věnuje jako koordinátorka programu. Expertka na digitální marketing, neuroleadership koučka a studentka MBA organizační psychologie. V Ment2Grow podporuje startupy skrze své multidisciplinární znalosti.

Riva Karo

Riva is fascinated by the dynamic world of startups, which she helps at Ment2Grow with foreign expansion and much more Bývalá programová manažerka M2G a šéfka partnerství v Operu. Vystudovala obor Výživa a potraviny, věnovala se výzkumu střevního mikrobiomu a pracovala mimo jiné i jako event manažerka DoToho! nebo se pohybovala na poli farmaceutických společností.


A team of experts to help strategically guide the development of the program.

Vít Horký

Silvia Bušniaková

Přemysl Rubeš

Ondřej Bočkay

Michal Nýdrle

Martin Kolouch

Karel Obluk

Jakub Nešetřil

Bernard Bauer


The program works thanks to support of our financial and expert partners.